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Civil Law

All Aspects of Civil Law

We know Civil Law disputes can be challenging and stressful therefore, we are sensitive to your needs.  We are here to help and support you.  We can provide you with robust public access barristers with good listening skills, specialising in all aspects of Civil Law matters including commercial and residential disputes between landlords and tenants.  We can provide direct access to barristers specialising in boundary disputes and disputes involving cremations. 

In order for us to get an idea of what you are going through please book a conference with our experienced public access barrister via the button below. 

Local Authority Prosecutions

Our public access barrister has successfully advised and represented many landlords facing prosecution by Local Authorities for breach of the licence of House in Multiple Occupations.  Our public access barrister has a track record of obtaining costs from Local Authorities for wrongful prosecution.  Our public access barrister has successfully advised and represented landlords prosecuted by Local Authorities for breach of the Protection from Harassment Act 1997.  Our public access barrister has successfully attended with landlords being interviewed under caution and Police & Criminal Evidence Act (PACE) codes of practice 1984 by Local Authorities.   


Our direct access barrister has experience in advising and representing clients in boundary disputes.  Our direct access barrister has experience of representing clients at trials at the Property Tribunals.

In order for us to get an idea of what you are going through please book a conference with our experienced public access barrister via the button below. 

 25 Years of Accumulated Practice

Request a Price Quote

Our 1-hour conference is £250.00 (inclusive of VAT where VAT is applicable). We suggest that anyone engaging legal services with our public access barristers have a 1 hour conference with their direct access barrister.  The public access barristers can only provide you legal services via a Client Care Letter (agreement for legal services with you).  The direct access barrister can only provide legal services upon receipt of advance payment to Chambers Bank Account.  This is in accord with the Bar Council rules, the regulator for the public access barristers we provide via this marketing website

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